United Nations General Assembly – All Facts Covered

United Nations General Assembly

United Nations General Assembly Facts


(UNGA or GA; French: Assemblee generale, AG).

  • One of the six principal organs of United Nations (UN ).
  • General assembly is only one where all member Nations have equal representation.
  • It is the main deliberative policy making and representative organ of the United Nations.



  • To appoint the secretary general of the UN
  • To appoint the non-permanent members to the security council
  • To oversee the budget of UN
  • To receive reports from the other parts United Nations
  • To make recommendations in the form of general assembly resolutions



President- María Fernanda Espinosa

First session of United Nations general assembly held in January 10 1946 in the Methodist hall in London.  That time it included 51 countries.

Currently all 193 member countries of the UN are the members of United Nations general assembly with Palestine and Holy see which have the status of observer States.


Vijay Lakshmi Pandit was elected as the first female president of the United Nations general assembly.

PaulHenri Spaak, Foreign Minister of Belgium, was elected first President of the General Assembly of the United Nations on January 16, 1946.

United Nations General Assembly  elects:

  1. UN Industrial Development Organisation.
  2. UN Trusteeship Council


United Nation general assembly appoints:

Secretary General of United Nations after the Recommendation of Security Council.

General Assembly elects judges for the International Court of Justice headquartered in the Hague.

Subsidiary organs of United Nation general assembly:

  • Committees
  • Commissions
  • Boards
  • Councils  and
  • Panels


Main Committees:

  • Disarmament and International Security (DISEC)
  • Economic and financial (ECOFIN)
  • Social, culture and humanitarian (SOCHUM)
  • Special political and decolonization
  • Administrative and budgetary and general deals
  • Legal deals with legal matters


Other committees:

  • Credentials committee
  • General committee


Commissions :

  • United Nations disarmament Commission
  • International Civil Service Commission
  • International Law Commission
  • UN Commission on international trade law
  • UN conciliation Commission
  • UN Peace building Commission



  1. Executive boards
  2. Boards


Executive boards

1 . Executive Board of the United Nations children’s fund

2 . Executive Board of the UNDP and UNFPA

3 . Executive Board of the world food programme


  • Board of auditors
  • Trade and development board
  • UN joint staff pension board
  • Advisory board on disarmament matters


Councils and Panels

The newest Council in the United Nations General Assembly is the United Nations Human Rights Council.
This council replaced the aforementioned United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in march 2006.

There are in total four councils & one Panel.

Working groups and other

There is a varied group of working groups and other subsidiary bodies in United Nations General Assembly.



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