About Us

ias preparation

IAS Prime – We as a team are  committed to make IAS Preparation an easy & enjoyable journey. Trying our level best to make  important NEWS and Burning Issues Simple to understand for aspirants in the field of IAS preparation.

Motto of IAS Prime isIf an Aspirant is visiting our website he doesn’t have to look anywhere else for the extra points related to that topic”.

We at IAS Prime try to simplify the hard worded news in simplest of language so that a candidate with an average knowledge of English too can understand it and grasp the essence of the Topic easily.

Trust is a big word and  we understand that, that’s why we try to maintain the highest quality in the field of IAS preparation. As a Team, we try to post article & news  which are well researched and simplified.

So be rest assured, your preparation for IAS exam will be dealt with utmost care and it is in the hands of very responsible Individuals.

ALL THE BEST to the  Future IAS

Team IAS Prime 🙂