Privacy Policy

Hello Dear aspirants.  Welcome to  . We want you to know about how we process the information collected from you how its been used and who are the persons who will access these information. We believe in being transparent and that is why we chose to inform about it here in this page.

What Information we collect from you

We don’t collect your personal information like your phone number, place unless you specifically provide it to us. To track the number of visitors visiting our website we store only non-personally identifiable information like your IP Address, device type etc. When you visit the contact page and send some querry then we store your name &  email address.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

If you subscribe us by E-mail then we store your E-mail ID in our database to further process your request. We may share some information of you with third parties like Facebook  Google to perform services on your behalf but will ensure that the information is not misused.

Third party data collection

To collect information for better serving the advertisement third parties may be placing reading cookies on our users browsers. These third party internet sites and services have got different sets of data collection and privacy polices.

How we handle Comments section

We reserve the right whether or not to approve your comment. Spamming is not allowed and if found then we have the right to delete your comment or modify it.

 All Rights Reserved reserves the right to change our privacy policies from time to time and whenever it is done then it will be updated on our site. Please read privacy policies and your continued use of this site will be assumed as your acceptance of this agreement.

For any further information feel free to CONTACT US