Vacancy 2023: UPSSSC recruitment notification released for 780 posts
UPSSSC Lower Pcs Vacancy 2023
UPSSSC Lower Pcs Vacancy 2023: Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has given a huge update for Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer Recruitment. This is a very golden opportunity for all the candidates who are preparing for this exam. Those who were still waiting to know when the exam date will come, then let us tell you friends, the Commission has announced the date.This is a very good news for those who had applied for Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer recruitment. You will get all the information regarding the recruitment of this post because Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has issued a new notice.
UPSSSC Lower PCS Bharti 2023
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has given a big update regarding the recruitment of Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer. The Commission has said that the people selected will be selected for all the 411 posts of Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer for which recruitment advertisement was issued.For selection, the candidates will be conducted prelims and mains examination by the commission. As stated in the notice by the Commission, the examination of Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer Recruitment Uttar Pradesh will be held in the first shift on 11 February 2024 between 9:30 am to 11:30 am. And the second shift exam will be conducted from 2.30 to 4:30 pm. The admit card for the examination will be available to the candidates for download on the website of the Commission in the first week of February.
Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) has released an employment notification calling out aspirants to apply for the post of Junior Assistant. First of all, let us tell you that the notification of Lower PCS recruitment will be released in December. The advertisement for the recruitment of Lower PCS on the basis of PET 2023 is going to be released in December and applications can be taken till January 2024. All the candidates are waiting for the PCS recruitment notification. A big update has come for the candidates regarding the Lower PCS recruitment. The notification of Lower PCS recruitment can be announced anytime now. The Commission has said that the recruitment of Lower PCS will be the first recruitment after the release of PET 2023 result. A big update has come for the candidates regarding the Lower PCS recruitment. The notification of Lower PCS recruitment can be announced anytime now. The Commission has said that after the release of the PET 2023 result, the recruitment of Lower PCS will be released first.
UPSSSC Lower PCS recruitment cut-off to be very low ( UPSSSC LOWER PCS BHARTI CUTOFF )
We have given you the necessary information for the recruitment of Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer on behalf of Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. Right now the Commission has not talked about the admit card of Prelims because the admit card will be released in the month of February. Therefore, the candidates who have filled the form of Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer will have to wait till the first week of February because only then the form will be available on the website of the Commission. The pay scale for this post ranges from Rs 44900 to Rs 142400 per month.
411 posts of UPPSC Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer
Q. When will the UPSSSC Lower PCS recruitment advertisement be released?
Answer- UPSSSC Lower PCS recruitment notification will be released in December.
Q. What will be the total number of posts for UPSSSC Lower PCS?
A total of 780 posts of UPSSSC Lower PCS will be notified.