CURRENT AFFAIRS 1 April 2019- PRELIMS 2019 | ISRO News



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ISRO launched Enemy Radar Spotting satellite

ISRO Enemy Radar spotting Satellite 2

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Monday launched Defence Research and Development Organisation’s (DRDO) defence intelligence satellite EMISAT along with 28 nano satellites foreign satellites.

Launching vehicle was Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV C-45  EMISAT.

ISRO Sateliites can identify:

  • enemy radar,
  • number of active communication devices and
  • also map topography.

This is the first time ISRO has launched satellites in three different orbits.

Also in a first, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) invited common people to view the launch.

The satellite will monitor and give locations for enemy radar sites deep in their territory.
(With inputs from PTI)


Art & Culture – Odisha

Coming Lok sabha election will see two big festivals coinciding in the Berhampur, Odisha.

Two festivals are:

  1. Thakurani Jatra – It is biennial 32 day long festival. It is famous for colourful carnival spirit
  2. Danda Nata – It is 21 day long festival where colourful flags are a part. Night long folk dance and opera shows are part of Danda Nata.

danda nata
Danda Nata

Poisoned Cattle Carcass killing Vultures

Endangered Vultures

37 vultures belonging to endangered species died in Assam’s Sivasagar district feeding on the pesticide laced cattle carcass (dead remains of animals).

Forest officials from Vulture Conservation Breeding Centre (VCBC) did the rescue work for many vultures.

Most of the dead Vultures included Himalayan Griffon.

About Vultures

  • India has nine species of vultures, six of which are found in Assam
  •  Vultures of genus ‘Gyps’
  • Oriental white-backed (Assam, critically endangered)
  • Long-billed (critically endangered)
  • Slender-billed (Assam,critically endangered)
  • Himalayan griffon (Assam, winter visitor from Himalayas)
  • Eurasian griffon (Assam,winter visitor from Himalayas)

Non-native Marine Species Invaded The Galapagos Islands

Recently its been seen that many exotic species(which doesn’t belongs to the galapagos) have invaded the Galapagosunderwater.

What are Galapagos Island

Lies in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, Galapagos Island are like a biological ark where thrive Giant tortoises, swimming iguanas and numerous species that found nowhere else.

Galapagos Island is one of the world’s most protected places.

The Galapagos Islands is a volcanic archipelago in the Pacific Ocean and it is a province of Ecuador.

Charles Darwin visited Galapagos Island in 1835.



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